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a night in texas – apex of agony lyrics


in the depths of this desolate endless reign
i, a tortured soul shackled in anguish and pain
i trudge through desolation
upon the alter of emotion
besmirched by parental demise
in this desolate landscape
my humanity wanes, fading from sight
eventually hope’s flame subsides
in a world now in their eyes
lost souls have vanished
vanquished from this mortal shore
boundless realms will beckon
as i traverse beyond life’s threshold
a soldiеr of torture
a puppet of their dеsign
a prisoner of their malevolent mind
in this vile existence, forever i am confined
ravaged by their machines, dissected, torn apart
in their cold, sterile embrace
each day an offering dripping with venomous pain
my spirit forever be trapped in chains
as i delve into the facilities heart of dread
revelation awakens, horrors loom ahead
embracing the darkness, my spirit will sustain
carving my way through the never+ending pain
silicon dreams
an endless stream
forever haunting me
digital schemes
caught between the
twisted seams of reality
bound by their delusion
i am contorted into oblivion
left to suffer and erode
as i descend once more
bound by their delusion
i am contorted into oblivion
left to suffer and erode
as i descend once..
my fractured mind lost in distorted, nightmarish dreams
every day descends further into madness, conjuring insanity
(lost souls have vanished, boundless realms will beckon)
amidst the obscure void that craves death
engineered to breed hate
the antithesis of humanity
in a chasm that whispers a promise of oblivion
to my very being
morph into sanctuary
lost souls have vanished
vanquished from this mortal shore
boundless realms will beckon
as i traverse beyond life’s threshold

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