a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #

anemic - the answer lyrics


[verse 1]
bullying’s happening world-wide, n0body knows how to solve it
constant problems, and cases of suicide, people just can’t get the solace
that they need, they’re just pleading for a better time
a point in life where they aren’t picked on and the hate can sublime
fade away, this is a victim’s life, he goes by cory
although he went through struggles, he fought to live to tell the story
wanted to prevent this kind of sh-t any time in the future
sometimes thinking it’s useless but these people have gotta handle it smoother

his walls are closing in, he’s got no room to move
trapped by words, unhealthy mental state, everything to lose
it’s not news to cory that he’s constantly being bullied
his mom talks sh-t, his peers pick on him ’cause they don’t understand his life fully
he doesn’t know how to cope as if he’s lost all hope
but nope, he’s just gonna stop the urges now and mope
he knows it’ll go away sooner or later and that his life will maybe get better
he’s just gotta think to himself that pain doesn’t last forever

he’s been confused for days, bullying’s left him phased
in the haze of the pain, his resilience up to this day has left himself amazed
how he’s gone this far through hearing words that hurt
being beat day after day, it’s making his state worse
all he can do is pray and hope his resilience doesn’t stop
he’s gotta keep his bit of strength up, he’s stronger than he thought
his mind told him “just end yourself, and just make the pain go away”
but in tears, his gut and his heart says “you can’t just go that way”

he’s thinking to himself on why it’d be selfish
just because people make him feel like sh-t, but let’s be honest, he can’t help this
every time someone calls him a little p-ssy, he just starts to cry
and gets insulted even more, and that’s right when the thoughts strike
battling himself, internal conflict sounds like nonsense
he only ever had one friend by his side who gave him content
but he was gone, on vacation, the only one who calmed him down
he’s freaking out with the sh-t he feels, who will calm him now?

cory brought this to his counselor asking what to do
but the advice was “tell us who it is” as if he knew
he was clueless to the fact that it would only go from bad to worse
if he snitches, he’ll be called a b-tch and a pr-ck, and jammed in a locker head first
he refused to tell him, and let the thoughts just run through his mind
inclined to remind himself why he should be alive
what he’d lose if he died right now
so his mind and his heart told him to live and made a vow

but one day, he went to school, teachers treating him differently
“sensitive” since they knew his issues
but incidentally, the bullies knew too
came up to him said “listen, talk again and we’ll leave you in st-tches”
slammed him against a locker, no teachers were present
on the floor in tears, ran out the school, maybe home will be more pleasant
nope, he was dead wrong, his mom asked why he cut cl-ss
he mentioned the bullies, she told him to get over it then beat his -ss

he was in bruises, didn’t have a clue what to do
would’ve called child services, but they couldn’t afford phone service
so he just ran from his mother and locked himself in his room
pouring tears, counted the scars on his wrist, one for every time pain was consumed
grabbed the knife and watched it as it slowly bled
no roses come from this pain, just some fluids that made his wrist red
he can’t go back to school and couldn’t go to a friend’s
he was beat if he stayed home, and his strength has reached in end

it was about 10 am, so he walked outside in the peaceful planes
calm terrain, walked by some rail road tracks by a street lane
about every day at that time, a train came by
the thing making him happy at the same was the beautiful skies
it made him smile, he watched cars drive by before the train sounded
cory took out his old phone, recorded something, darkness surrounded him
crying, he jumped in front of the train and k!lled himself
took his life, his questions unanswered “why do people bully?” and “will i go to h-ll?”

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