angela brown - dream variation lyrics
scene one
introduction: the american dream means to me is that we live in a free society. our purpose in how we exist, because how we exist builds relationships. defining existence is determine our values. our purpose in society is to understand who we are
narrator: as the community is a place you live in, it is time for cultures to embrace our beliefs to determine purpose.. narrator: i hope you revisit the past. another place. another time. no matter how near or far, you will discover your purpose. what does it mean to live in a free society without understanding what a free society is?
nature is pure like virtue
kuba: the dazzling sunshine artist
argo: the man with the master plan.sisly: the conceited one
dameo: the chosen one.litera: the gifted spirit.areno: the one to be remembered
tora: the guardian angel
diasy: miss sunshine
scene one: i can hear the rain fall from the sky. tinkering tear drops until they evaporate touching the ground gently
kuba: (smiling) it looks like sunshine
daisy: (scarcasticly) you being cute. the sun causes cancer
kuba: yea, right. only when it is too bright
argo: no. really daisy it is true. cause when the sun shines it retracts light upon your skin
.kuba: (smirk) and the radiance from the sunlight makes you glow
daisy: give me a break. just because i light up your life does not mean that i am a freak
litera: we can not survive without light, daisy
areno: and we all know that you light up my life
tora flips her hands and turns to the sun and her skin begins to glow. she looks toward the sun for guidance and vanishes
kuba: it’s the thought of a storm coming.i can remember how things used to be
demeo always had our backs. we were best friends
argo: the severity of the storm falls back on us. what concerns one, concerns us all
kuba: the storm is the map of nature
argo: your talking about the relationship of time over matter?
kuba: the truth will set you free, but first it will p-ss you off
argo: the storm is so deep, i can take a swim in it when the rain pours down
kuba: if we only took one last look and gave the rain a try we would be in another world
argo: when the rain falls down let us take a dip to see what it tastes like
scene 2they begin to salivate water to quench their thirst. the more they experienced enjoying life, they found something to fall back on
argo: (nervous) man can not control nature
dameo: nature controls man. daisy: and all h-ll makes up for what is missed
sisly: man had not discovered love
litura: its something they always wanted but never was felt thirsty enough to want it more
dameo: i found love two ways. once when i wake up and once when i rest
sisly: but do you know the difference from the two?
daisy: its human nature
argo: it’s the natural order of things
sisly: one is superior to the storm and the other is the revolation to life itself
argo: when i close my eyes, i feel p-ssion
litera: you feel the light
sisly: whoever forgot the map lost track of where they were going
litera: the only thing is whatever you do don’t look down
scene 3
the storm is a metaph0r- for the ills of society. in a community it contrast between the strong and the weak. it is where society becomes a conflict of the ordained
kuba: (smiling) it looks like sunshine. he touches her face
daisy: (shivers) i felt something happen just then
kuba: (he touches her skin again) yea, right. this is stupid
argo: your emotions don’t translate into words
kuba: (smirk) i feel the heat of your moist skin
daisy: the tow of us have become two spotches of ink on a white canv-ss
litera: we can not survive without light, daisy
areno: reaches inside his pocket for black paint. and begins to ill-strate love in ink blocks on a sheet of paper
kuba: (smiling) it looks like sunshine
daisy: (scarcasticly) he plays this game like surades
kuba: guess what images i am bringing to you
argo: it looks like two people making out
kuba: (smirk) it looks like rain is falling down
daisy: it looks like pencil on graph paperin one continuous line
litera: where are we going with this?
argo: when the spirit hits you, you’ll feel the heat
scene 4
they all go inside, claiming the rain as it plumits to the ground and evaporates into mist. where will this lead them? into a deep sleep they have fallen
argo: (painfully suffers in his sleep) oh! i must be dreaming
sisly: no you are exaggerating. only nightmares make you weak.dameo: why do men have dreams?
litera: to isolate them from finding the truth
areno: the truth will set you free
tora: one must feel hurt to understand love
diasy: once you find truth you will find your purpose
argo: you must know in order to feel
sisly: you’re the man with the plan
dameo: open up your heart
litera: when the spirit hits you
areno: you will heal from the storm
tora: and when the guardian angel appers
diasy: miss sunshine will guide the way to heaven
diay is fallen and she must be careful she is safe from the storm. one mistake and she is gone.argo: poof!
daisy: i do not like to be touched
argo: you need to trust
daisy: crushes the ash underneath her feet
argo: your walking on water
daisy: only when it freezes
argo: let it burn, let it burn, let it burn
daisy: you want to let it go
argo: its not over yet
daisy: only if it clings
argo: (whispers) yea. give it time
scene 6
a seed grow into a stem with little water, sunlight and air before it grows into a large tree. the trunk marks its territory as it sprouts out across the cav-ss and its branches spread out to the world
dameo: the rainfall fell like drums beating against daisy’s chest
litera: as her worries troubled her deeply
areno: the afterthough she began to recall her past
tora: she was the gifted one
diasy: i discovered truth underlines my purpose of finding my roots find knowledge on how to trust again
dameo: daisy you are the chosen one
litera: you are enchanted by the sun light
areno: the one to be remembered
diasy: i am the responsive one who must find truth
scene 7four nights. four days. we survived the storm. the light began to peek from the clouds. daisy: there is sunshine
scene 7the sensitivity of the storm was the act of feeling raped and abused. to feel touched by the kind light made daisy more secure
sisly: no you are exaggerating. only nightmares make you weak
dameo: (yaning) i must find comfort in this
litera: don’t be so pretention to pers
way your way into something you will regret
areno: the truth will set you free
tora: but first it will p-ss you off
diasy: (happy) did you hear the noise? did you feel the cheer? di you? did you?
argo: you must know love in order to feel
sisly: when the spirit hits you
dameo: open up your heart
litera: i saw the ocean, the moon and the stars once the day i fell in love
areno: love is what healed my heart from sorrow
tora: and when the guardian angel appears
sisly: no you are exaggerating. only nightmares make you weak
dameo: why do women have dreams?
litera: to find purpose
tora: one must feel hurt to understand love
argo: you must know in order to feel
sisly: you’re the man with the plan
litera: when the spirit hits you
scene 8
it had been a week and daisy began to hear voices in her head. the voices were coming from heaven telling her to come back to me. her conscious began to dream of love. she wanted to be touched. she wanted to feel loved. she called his name
daisy: where is argo
daisy: you will heal from the sunshine
daisy: i hear someone calling me
tora: and when the guardian angel appers
daisy: you will heal from the sunshine
daisy: i hear someone calling me
daisy: and when the guardian angel appears
scene 9
daisy found her purpose was to be with argo. she can not make it alone in darkness. she began to feel again. she must not be disclosed to bitterness. she needed to feel loved. her purpose would entail nature to encamp-ss all that was needed to bloom
areno: you will heal from the sunshine
daisy: i hear someone calling me
tora: and when the guardian angel appers
argo: h-llo
daisy: is it me that you are calling?
argo: here i am baby. i’m calling you to come home
daisy: is that you? or is this a dream?
argo could not see daisy
daisy: began to touch but could not feel
argo: reached out and could not feel until she could pain she began to heal as he pressed his lips against hers
daisy: all the time i have been wanting to feel, i never knew what it meant to feel your presence
argo: i was invisible in the dark. daisy: you can only be seen in a prism of light touches the heart
argo: once you pay attention to the storm you will find the hidden truth is behind the light
margo’s outlook had purpose. his dreams were hidden in nature. in the surface his dreams made up for happiness. he was not satisfied until he could solve the hidden problem of finding true love
kuba: the wealthy man can create magic in a storm. the storm can be harmful. be careful how you treat others
argo: the spirit air carefully embraces love with fulfillment. a keenful eye carefully watches others to understand life. the spirit exchanges hope for happiness
sisly: like nature hope is a product of trust, but first you must find purpose through believing
dameo: interaction with your surrounding builds trust. sharing the same emotions builds relationships
litera: solving your emotional needs begins with your ability to think
areno: love is sweet pure and innocent. there is nothing to fear but fear itself. tora: the guardian angel
diasy: miss sunshine
scene two
introduction: the history of black people is they came as slaves. they were beaten, lynched, tortured. they help build this nation. they were depended to work in factories and minding crops at the time was main resource. as second-cl-ss citizens, they were discriminated. they were not allowed equal treatment to others. after civil rights era black could vote, to go to school with whites and more opportunities they did not have before. the american dream means to me is that we live in a free society. our purpose in how we exist, because how we exist builds relationships. defining existence is determine our values. our purpose in society is to understand who we are and how we can apply that knowledge in real life. as the community is a place you live in, it is time for cultures to embrace our beliefs to determine purpose..
narrator: i hope you revisit the past. another place. another time. no matter how near or far, you will discover your purpose. what does it mean to live in a free society without understanding what a free society is? nature is pure like virtue
kuba: the dazzling sunshine artist
argo: the man with the master plan
sisly: the conceited one
dameo: the chosen one
litera: the gifted spirit
areno: the one to be remembered
tora: the guardian angel
diasy: miss sunshine
scene one:
i can hear the rain fall from the sky. tinkering tear drops until they evaporate touching the ground gently
kuba: (smiling) it looks like sunshine
daisy: (scarcasticly) you being cute. the sun causes cancer
kuba: yea, right. only when it is too bright
argo: no. really daisy it is true. cause when the sun shines it retracts light upon your skin
kuba: (smirk) and the radiance from the sunlight makes you glow
daisy: give me a break. just because i light up your life does not mean that i am a freak
litera: we can not survive without light, daisy
areno: and we all know that you light up my life
tora flips her hands and turns to the sun and her skin begins to glow. she looks toward the sun for guidance and vanishes
kuba: it’s the thought of a storm coming.i can remember how things used to be. demeo always had our backs. we were best friends
argo: the severity of the storm falls back on us. what concerns one, concerns us all
kuba: the storm is the map of nature
argo: your talking about the relationship of time over matter?
kuba: the truth will set you free, but first it will p-ss you off
argo: the storm is so deep, i can take a swim in it when the rain pours down
kuba: if we only took one last look and gave the rain a try we would be in another world
argo: when the rain falls down let us take a dip to see what it tastes like
scene 2
they begin to salivate water to quench their thirst. the more they experienced enjoying life, they found something to fall back on
argo: (nervous) man can not control nature
dameo: nature controls man
daisy: and all h-ll makes up for what is missed
sisly: man had not discovered love
litura: its something they always wanted but never was felt thirsty enough to want it more
dameo: i found love two ways. once when i wake up and once when i rest
sisly: but do you know the difference from the two?
daisy: its human nature
argo: it’s the natural order of things
sisly: one is superior to the storm and the other is the revolation to life itself
argo: when i close my eyes, i feel p-ssion
litera: you feel the light
sisly: whoever forgot the map lost track of where they were going
litera: the only thing is whatever you do don’t look down
scene 3
the storm is a metaph0r- for the ills of society. in a community it contrast between the strong and the weak. it is where society becomes a conflict of the ordained
kuba: (smiling) it looks like sunshine. he touches her face
daisy: (shivers) i felt something happen just then
kuba: (he touches her skin again) yea, right. this is stupid
argo: your emotions don’t translate into words
kuba: (smirk) i feel the heat of your moist skin
daisy: the tow of us have become two spotches of ink on a white canv-ss
litera: we can not survive without light, daisy
areno: reaches inside his pocket for black paint. and begins to ill-strate love in ink blocks on a sheet of paper
kuba: (smiling) it looks like sunshine
daisy: (scarcasticly) he plays this game like surades
kuba: guess what images i am bringing to you
argo: it looks like two people making out
kuba: (smirk) it looks like rain is falling down
daisy: it looks like pencil on graph paperin one continuous line
litera: where are we going with this?
argo: when the spirit hits you, you’ll feel the heat
scene 4
they all go inside, claiming the rain as it plumits to the ground and evaporates into mist. where will this lead them? into a deep sleep they have fallen
argo: (painfully suffers in his sleep) oh! i must be dreaming
sisly: no you are exaggerating. only nightmares make you weak
dameo: why do men have dreams?
litera: to isolate them from finding the truth
areno: the truth will set you free
tora: one must feel hurt to understand love
diasy: once you find truth you will find your purpose
argo: you must know in order to feel
sisly: you’re the man with the plan
dameo: open up your heart
litera: when the spirit hits you
areno: you will heal from the storm
tora: and when the guardian angel appers
diasy: miss sunshine will guide the way to heaven
diay is fallen and she must be careful she is safe from the storm. one mistake and she is gone
argo: poof!
daisy: i do not like to be touched
argo: you need to trust
daisy: crushes the ash underneath her feet
argo: your walking on water
daisy: only when it freezes
argo: let it burn, let it burn, let it burn
daisy: you want to let it go
argo: its not over yet
daisy: only if it clings
argo: (whispers) yea. give it time
scene 6
a seed grow into a stem with little water, sunlight and air before it grows into a large tree. the trunk marks its territory as it sprouts out across the cav-ss and its branches spread out to the world
dameo: the rainfall fell like drums beating against daisy’s chest
litera: as her worries troubled her deeply
areno: the afterthough she began to recall her past
tora: she was the gifted one
diasy: i discovered truth underlines my purpose of finding my roots find knowledge on how to trust again
dameo: daisy you are the chosen one
litera: you are enchanted by the sun light
areno: the one to be remembered
diasy: i am the responsive one who must find truth
scene 7
four nights. four days. we survived the storm. the light began to peek from the clouds
daisy: there is sunshine
scene 7
the sensitivity of the storm was the act of feeling raped and abused. to feel touched by the kind light made daisy more secure
sisly: no you are exaggerating. only nightmares make you weak
dameo: (yaning) i must find comfort in this
litera: don’t be so pretention to persway your way into something you will regret
areno: the truth will set you free
tora: but first it will p-ss you off
diasy: (happy) did you hear the noise? did you feel the cheer? di you? did you?
argo: you must know love in order to feel
sisly: when the spirit hits you
dameo: open up your heart
litera: i saw the ocean, the moon and the stars once the day i fell in love
areno: love is what healed my heart from sorrow
tora: and when the guardian angel appears
sisly: no you are exaggerating. only nightmares make you weak
dameo: why do women have dreams?
litera: to find purpose
tora: one must feel hurt to understand love
argo: you must know in order to feel
sisly: you’re the man with the plan
litera: when the spirit hits you
scene 8
it had been a week and daisy began to hear voices in her head. the voices were coming from heaven telling her to come back to me. her conscious began to dream of love. she wanted to be touched. she wanted to feel loved. she called his name
daisy: where is argo
daisy: you will heal from the sunshine
daisy: i hear someone calling me
tora: and when the guardian angel appers
daisy: you will heal from the sunshine
daisy: i hear someone calling me
daisy: and when the guardian angel appears
scene 9
daisy found her purpose was to be with argo. she can not make it alone in darkness. she began to feel again. she must not be disclosed to bitterness. she needed to feel loved. her purpose would entail nature to encamp-ss all that was needed to bloom
areno: you will heal from the sunshine
daisy: i hear someone calling me
tora: and when the guardian angel appers
argo: h-llo
daisy: is it me that you are calling?
argo: here i am baby. i’m calling you to come home
daisy: is that you? or is this a dream?
argo could not see daisy
daisy: began to touch but could not feel
argo: reached out and could not feel until she could pain she began to heal as he pressed his lips against hers
daisy: all the time i have been wanting to feel, i never knew what it meant to feel your presence
argo: i was invisible in the dark
daisy: you can only be seen in a prism of light touches the heart
argo: once you pay attention to the storm you will find the hidden truth is behind the light
margo’s outlook had purpose. his dreams were hidden in nature. in the surface his dreams made up for happiness. he was not satisfied until he could solve the hidden problem of finding true love
kuba: the wealthy man can create magic in a storm. the storm can be harmful. be careful how you treat others
argo: the spirit air carefully embraces love with fulfillment. a keenful eye carefully watches others to understand life. the spirit exchanges hope for happiness
sisly: like nature hope is a product of trust, but first you must find purpose through believing
dameo: interaction with your surrounding builds trust. sharing the same emotions builds relationships
litera: solving your emotional needs begins with your ability to think
areno: love is sweet pure and innocent. there is nothing to fear but fear itself
tora: the guardian angel
diasy: miss sunshine
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