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bad nomad - ohio! lyrics


mmm mmm

the roads are flat and wide and open
nothin’ around for all the miles
i don’t ever see the ocean
i hope it’s everything they say it is

in ohio
in ohio

i can only see so far
as far as i could ever dream
the only places i don’t ever wanna go
are places i’ve never been

in ohio
in ohio
in ohio
in ohio

tell me that i’m not the only one
tell me that i’m not alone
tell me that i’m not the only
one to want to leave

tell me that i’m not the only one
tell me how i could ever be so
foolish to think i was free
in ohio
how does everyone keep it secret
words don’t blow like wind don’t show their feelings
i must be made a little different
maybe that’s why i feel strange, maybe that’s why i feel strange

in ohio
mmmm in ohio

tell me that i’m not the only one
tell me how i believe
tell me how i can still love
when everyone leaves

tell me that i’m not the only one
tell me how i can believe that
i can leave

maybe i’ll leave on my own
maybe i’ll leave and never look back
maybe i’ll leave and no one will care

maybe they don’t matter any way
maybe they don’t matter any way

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