birb546 - i hate you with lyrics lyrics
dear mario has had his time!
but it’s time that we unwind
the story he left behind
that caused his brother to die!
just what had happened? what is true?
like to see your point of view
why did you join koopa’s crew?
why think mario hated you?
think that he’s any better than me?
you would be dead dead wrong
(luigi, boyfriend)
must’ve always cared each other
this song!
after all, you’re brothers!
is a memory to my hatred!
that had caused me to betray him!
tell me your story, why you chose
to separate the mario bros
when mario ended this
he had tears in his eyes!
what a pathetic try!
thinking that i would fall for his lies!
did you ever stop to think
that he felt true regret?
course ya did! and even yet
you’re still standing here with your path set!
mario caused the fall!
that’s the truth of it all!
i thought that we could brawl!
but his brother he never saw!
pushing the blame for what happened
thinking that you’re the victim
was there not a moment
where you had loved him?
even when push came to shove
he always tried to show his love
maybe there’s still hope for you
to rise from shadows, rise above!
no! i can’t keep thinking like this!
he’s the one that never did enough!
don’t fall back into the darkness
i know that you can be strong enough
for me!
stop telling me how to live my life!
after all it’s too late for advice!
i think i can finally understand your true emotions
your pain and strife here
if i wasn’t such a fool
i’d be another superstar
(luigi, boyfriend)
but i went too far
you never hated mario
it’s yourself that you so clearly loathe!
it was my fault! a simple and cause and result!
after all i’m the only one who could’ve
(luigi, boyfriend)
put my life at halt!
vision was blurred, actions were absurd!
but it’s the only way you thought you’d be
i’ll never forget the finals words
that i had ever heard
it was mario apologizing for every
time i’d been hurt
his words hit you like a train!
you’d thought for nothing! fought in vain!
refused to accept your part
refused to see you dug your own grave!
the truth i knew
he loved me too!
fight through your fears
see the truth clear!
i was so tired of being
stuck inside his shadow!
would i have grown to be my own star?
i shall never know
i don’t think that it’s your fault!
someone else is to blame!
koopa took advantage of your fears!
caused this twisted game!
(luigi, boyfriend)
the three words i never said
the three words you never said
maybe i wouldn’t be dead
just know even though you’re dead
if he just truly knew
there’s still one thing he always knew
i love you!
he loved you!
just do it…
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