c and m gaming - no more lies lyrics
yeah don’t know if he will care
this doesn’t have cupman in it
so you don’t care
this might be boring to you
(verse 1)
this is coming straight out of my mind (no more lies)
need to get this out of my mind, can’t lie to you guys no more (no)
all i have to say is i pretty much like fortnite
because well it’s a pretty fun game
if you guys actually care
(verse 2)
so if you guys don’t like fornite and don’t want me to like it then buzz off cause’ this is my opinon
don’t why i’m saying this, just getting this out of my mind
my mind has gone crazy, don’t want to lie to you no more
just want you guys to know that i like fortnite
it’s a pretty fun game
i’m always winning in squads, always winning in duos
squads is also kinda boring, don’t know why i would want to win in squads
no one plays it
it’s also pretty hard if i do say so mysеlf because well, yеah
(verse 3)
it seems pretty hard because it seems like you have to verse more people even though you don’t have to verse more people yeah i don’t know why i’m even saying this gotta get this out of my mind
i’m repeating mysel dbut no one is here
no one cares
don’t think anyone will care
i’m just singing this because,well i just want to sing this
(verse 4)
repeating what my mind says because well
no lyrics, no cupman, this might sound trash
don’t really know what a good rap beat is but to me this is a good rap beat
now i’m just singing random stuff
but remeber this is all my opinon
you don’t have to take this as too harsh
but if you do want to then just buzz off because i don’t really care
about your opinon actually i do care about your opinon
don’t know why i’m singing this
if you don’t like fortnite then you don’t like fortnite
this is just all of our opinons
(verse 5)
cupman doesn’t like fortnite but that doesn’t change your personallity well it can but it most likely won’t change mine so yeah
how would it?
i have a pretty high voice so thats why i am singing low right now
if you don’t like fortnite i don’t care
well cause it’s just a game cause well what do games do to anyone
alright it can make people more harsh but yeah
it won’t do that to me
won’t do that to me, won’t, won’t do that to me
i don’t know why i’m singing this no more
i just got most of the things out of my mind
don’t know why i am singing this no more though
i was just singing about how i like fortnite but now i don’t know
actually i don’t know what i’m doing with my life no more
since really i don’t know what i’m doing
getting wins in duos
well playing some solo know since i still played cause well yeah
i’m on mobile yeah
but i do have um like 70 wins since i’m pretty good on mobile
yeah and i’m just singing about fortnite because well yeah
i’m rapping about fortnite yeah
yeah yeah yeah almost 70 wins
maybe losing sometimes
just for the challenges doe
this is on c&m records
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