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catherine corelli - through the blue gates lyrics


by the blue blue gates
two tall bird+headed guards
are watching me carefully
bow and spear in each hand shining plates

on the blue blue gates
there are golden lions and dragons
and bulls and battle scenes
behind them my new life awaits!

i’ve never been here before
and yet i know this place
the sacred marble floor
the cool breeze of change on my facе
where gods and kings residе
i have a date with fate
the old is left behind
my soul shines again unchained

through the blue blue gates
barefoot in dirty rags
i’m strolling in silence and awe
at ornaments and statues i gaze

through the blue blue gates
in lapis lazuli
as rubies and emeralds glow
my battle+worn heart awakes
i’ve never been here before
and yet i know this place
the sacred marble floor
the cool breeze of change on my face
where gods and kings reside
i have a date with fate
the old is left behind
my soul shines again unchained

i have a date with fate
i have a date with fate

there is no going back
never was never will be and the guards will keep track
so i may as well forget
all the dirt and resentment and bitter regret
i’m on a date with fate
i’m already in all the second thoughts are too late
the rite of passage calls
on me to be unafraid

through the blue blue gates
through the blue blue gates

through the blue blue gates
i’m walking softly but eagerly
picking up my pace
behind them my new life awaits!
i’ve never been here before
and yet i know this place
the sacred marble floor
the cool breeze of change on my face
where gods and kings reside
i have a date with fate
the old is left behind
my soul shines again unchained

i’ve never been here before
and yet i know this place
the sacred marble floor
the cool breeze of change on my face
where gods and kings reside
i have a date with fate
the old is left behind
my soul shines again unchained

i’m on a date with fate
i’m already in it’s never too late
the rite of passage calls
on me to be unafraid

where gods and kings reside
i’ll walk a path i can confide
all+new beyond the blue blue gate
my soul shines again unchained
i’m on a date with fate
excited eager i can’t wait
to peel the veil to know to feel
to live and love unafraid

where gods and kings reside
i’ll walk a path i can confide
all+new beyond the blue blue gate
my soul shines again unchained

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