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deidre & the dark - bad day lyrics


go and tell me about the kind of day that you have had
get it off your chest and you won’t feel so bad

let me guess, everything went wrong that could have
would you say nothing went just as it should have?

everybody’s gonna have a bad day every now and then
that’s why you gotta take the high way and pick yourself up again

i know it seems the world has gone and turned on you
but what a perfect shot to show what you can do

so every time you get down, you gotta get back up
that’s the only way we’re gonna get to the good stuff

everybody’s gonna have a bad day every now and then
that’s why you gotta take the high way and pick yourself up again

everybody’s gonna have a bad day every now and then
that’s why you gotta take the high way and pick yourself up again
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