a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #

@dj_bypdipper - 06_ lyrics


another soldier missing in action/ caught up into world affairs / now his soul gets torn
by the enemy / in treason / he should have never left the god / whom he use to believe in
no undercover cops in the kingdom / you either down wit christ / or you minus well leave him
if you living foul / then do that still / but if you live for god / then be that for real

lead 1
(verse 1) yo, once upon a time, he spit / for the divine,/ gifted by rhymes, / flowed with the holy shrine, /but then the dollar signs, / started to blind, his mind,/ he signed, deals that undermined. the christian mind
with jesus he ran a few ,(lapse) / but now he’s on the view, (back) chasing checks, & respect in the secular sort of queue, / from the cross to a benz,/ his new girl he got too, / but the truth got loose, like a serpent in the pews

lost the sacred scroll, swapped it for the gold, traded soul for the fold, his spirit went cold, from the righteous to the sold, his story unfolds, the cost of mammon’s hold, now his fate’s been told
in the story / left god / for worlds glory / his se+cu+lar attachement / got him / feeling racheed
but hes also mia / which is now / missing in action

(verse 2)
she felt the world’s pull, / like a sweetened tart
trading her faith / for the secular cart

church boys seemed broke, / no passion, no fire
outside god’s will / with no sin prior
unsaved men / worldly gain
igniting desires, / with dangerous flames

fornication’s sting,/ like a serpent’s bite
her virginity lost, in the heat of the night
sacrificing purity / on the altar of idols
fosaking god’s way / and intent for bridle
web of deceit, /hearts entwined
love fleeting / like shadows / in suns time
repenting tears / redemption’s light
praying for forgiveness, / to set it right

holding onto doctrine,/ revelation would say
following balaam’s way, / being led astray

write a 16 bar rap about how a a. b. c. below from a biblical perstective but use elaborate metaphors in a wise way with a style like busta rhymes
a. how professed christians hold doctrine of the nicolaitans, which thing god hates
b. how h0m+s+xual preachers are not in god’s will
c. ephesus hast left their first love, remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else i will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. revelations 2:4+5


(verse 1)

a. nicolaitans twistin’, / like serpents in the vine
mix the holy / with profane, / always crossin’ lines
god’s wrath brewin’, / patience not benign
repentance is needed, / to restore & align

a. pro+fessed christians/ the grip is tight, / holdin’
doctrines that devils / just not right
twistin’ truths, / causin’ division of the light
what they don’t realize / it’s a / spiritual fight
b. h0m+s+xual preachers, / preachin’ / false doctrine
not aligned with god word / but its trash from a bin
claimin’ to lead, / but your lost and effaced
total opposite of god / and the rainbow misplaced

c. ephesus, lost / their first love’s glow
gotta remember,/ repent / and restore that flow
or your / candlestick / will no longer show
without that love, / faith will just / plateau

b. lgbtq / in the darkness / of night
claimin’ whats wrong / now presenting as right

a. nicolaitans’ poison, spreadin’ like disease
dividin’ the body, disturbin’ god’s peace
repentance and unity, the keys to release
hold fast to truth, let god’s love increase

c. ephesus, rise up, reclaim your zeal
remember your first love, let your faith heal
repent, return, his presence you’ll feel
keep the flame alive, his love, forever real

11he that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still
12and, behold, i come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be

13i am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last

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