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jerome arp – monkey teeth lyrics


abcdefghijklmnop, now everybody gather round me and listen to me rap, listen to me rap oh so stupidly
abcdefghijklmnop, i got monkey t++th and you never could believe with all the things that i could achieve with my monkey t++th abcdefghijklmnop, now everybody gather round me and listen to me rap, listen to me rap oh so stupidly
abcdefghijklmnop, i got monkey t++th and you never could believe with all the things that i could achieve with my monkey t++th abcdefghijklmnop, now everybody gather round me and listen to me rap, listen to me rap oh so stupidly abcdefghijklmnop, i got monkey t++th and you never could believe with all the things that i could achieve with my monkey t++th

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