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lil chromozome – where the fuck are my keys lyrics


oh my f+cking god! where the f+ck are my keys!? i’ve been looking for them and my car has been going off like non+stop! shut up! alright. i can’t find them on any counters, they’re not in my room, and they’re not in the f+cking living room! so that means only one thing. grandma! where are my keys!?

um… i+ i don’t know sweetie. you might have left them outside. did you check there?

oh my f+cking god! grandma! if i did not look outside, do you think i’d be asking you right now!? do you have dementia or something!?

hey hey… no need to be rude, i was just giving a recommendation. i have no idea where your keys are. i looked everywhere with you and i just haven’t seen them, i’m sorry

you’re a lying f+cking f+ggot! you know that grandma!? i can smell the car keys on you
+smells grandma intensely+
oh f+ck. and that perfume too. what is that perfume? it’s getting me a little riled up, not gonna lie. but grandma! if you don’t show me where my car keys are i’m going to beat the ever living sh+t out of you!

i+ i swear i don’t know i promise you. i don’t know where they are

wait a minute
+intensely sniffs grandma again+

you can’t be touching me on the b+tt
shut up! you naughty b+tch, you put them in your b+tt didn’t you!?

wha+ no. no i didn’t

oh yeah you did! and i’m gonna pull them out right now!

+moan+ oh. that felt so good coming out. oh

oh that was straight fire on the track! and now that i’ve got my keys, i’m gonna get the f+ck in my car, and drive. and k!ll everyone on the road. f+ck you grandma

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