miracaluz - we shouting the bad stars lyrics
stop stop stop dont bully us yea mmmhm
mhhhhh oh yea we shouting the bad stars out
we shooting the start oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeay you get bullied for who you are (who you are) we can’t do for what we do because we don’t just can oan we try and try but you shouldn’t change yourself
0h oh oh you are beautiful and unique we are all beautiful in our own way and there is someone who does not understand that and you are perfect as you are uhhhh ohhhohoh mmhhh hohohoh we are shouting the stars with each other (rap they call you a dwarf and an idiot and also an ugly b+tch but your not dumb pr ugly or are b+tch dont trust these people there saying this chouse they are not right ) uhhh ohohho yeah(rap we shoot the stars in our hands shoot in our hands they shoot stars in our heads and you can’t think about anything else )they bully you all the time yea yea try to think of something else shoot things out of the head (chorus)mmmmhh yea mmmhm shot the starts out mmmmh you dress up wow i got the red dress on tonight for wish you good luck forever,(rap good good luck forever do not care what they say to you try to g’et it out for you mind just shot the stars just shot the stars) you got the red dress on tonight for wish the best and you dont bullyied (bridge) you didn’t deserve to be treated like people just mind your own shop and don’t bully people because that doesn’t spread joy i know it can be hard try to think of something else but try to shoot the bad stars out of your brain and don’t think on what others say about you you are perfect as you are i know you can do it (outro) you got are red dress on tonight for show who you are and you dont care what they say couse they only say it couse they feels bad about them self but you are good enough as you are you the best and that’s why they bully you but you just have to remember to shoot your bad stars out of your brain because i know you can do what you want and you can be what you want if it’s really what you want and you’re unique nice and cute and try not to think about what the others say because you are perfect the way you are and wear what you want and don’t think about what they say
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