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A list of the most complete and popular NOROYAL song lyrics, including: принцип principle, полутона semitones, у ворот at the gate, зола ash, холод, and others.

  1. noroyal – непросто (it’s difficult) lyrics
  2. noroyal – под подошвами города (under the city’s soles) lyrics
  3. noroyal – мой город шумит (my city makes noises) lyrics
  4. noroyal – холод lyrics
  5. noroyal – полутона (semitones) lyrics
  6. noroyal – совесть (conscience) lyrics
  7. noroyal – свисток (whistle) lyrics
  8. noroyal – принцип (principle) lyrics
  9. noroyal – зима (winter) lyrics
  10. noroyal – зола (ash) lyrics
  11. noroyal – у ворот (at the gate) lyrics

Last update: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 02:01:51 +0000

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