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pert near sandstone - take a drink on me lyrics


take a drink on me lyrics
(traditional with new lyrics by nate sipe)

ain’t got no money, but i’d sell my shoes
and go out and buy me a bottle of booze
oh, lord, honey, take a drink on me

ain’t no use to be hanging around
when i got a woman in another town
oh, lordy, honey, take a drink on me

take a drink on me, take a drink on me
all you rounders take a drink on me
oh, lord, honey, take a drink on me

ain’t to use to be sitting and crying
cause i ain’t dead yet and i ain’t dying
oh, lord, honey, take a drink on me

it’s a mighty pretty penny gonna bail me out of jail
when i get thrown in for drinking that swill
oh, lord, honey, take a drink on me

ain’t no use for me to work so hard
when i got a woman in a rich man’s yard
oh lord, honey take a drink on me

gonna quit my job stay up all night
make my money playing cards and dice
oh, lord, honey, take a drink on me


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