rezeid - 全世界 the whole world lyrics
its ummm
we were just looking for fun here (我只是来寻找乐趣)
we don’t want any violent(我们不想要暴力)
we don’t wanna war(我部门不想要战争)
yeah peace bro
i just wish we don’t have to argue about no race no more(我只希望我们不用在争论种族)
why we always wanna hurt each other when we are same kind tho(无论肤色我们都是人类为什么我们要自相残杀)
it don’t make any sense(这不合理)
i wish eh(我希望)
there don’t have to be rich or poor anymore(再也不会有贫富)
we just want a better life(我们只祈求一个更好的人生)
you know im saying (你知道吗)
imagine a world(想象一个世界)
no war no death no money(没有战争 没有死亡 没有金钱)
its like heaven right(就像天堂一样)
yeah its like heaven right(就像天堂一样)
its like heaven right(就像天堂一样)
we just wanna live a better life
we don’t wanna die
not today not tonight
we want a better life
we just wanna live a better life
we don’t wanna die
not today not tonight
we want a better life
verse 1:
在彗星来的时候(when the comet comes)
我会再挥着手(i will wave my hand again)
快回去你的家吧(quick back to your home)
还会再回着首(we will see each others again)
十点半(half of 10 o’clock)
却没有飞机伴(but there are no planes around me)
伴随着我成长(surrouding me while my growth)
还会暂停我的烦恼(and will pause all of my troubles)
毁坏所有爱(destroy all love)
还会来的不用猜(don’t have to guess if it’s coming back)
we just wanna live a better life
to the day to the night
to the dre to the mac miller
and kanye with a mic
最灰暗的时候(in the darkest time)
至少我还有一个麦(at least i still have a mic)
别急(don’t rush)
最枯燥的时候想着菩提(in the most boring time just think about bodh)
往事一旦过去就不用再提(don’t have to bring it up if it’s in the past)
载着我的思绪我的笔(carrying my thoughts and my pens)
还会是一个生命体(and still remain the living being)
希望战争不会让我们绝迹(hope the war won’t end our race)
现在我只想飞机不会坠体(now i only hope the plane won’t crash)
我不想死后世界没有我的回忆(i don’t want this world without my memory after my death)
我还想参加一个世界和平的会议(i want to attend a meeting about war peace)
关于我们无产级的幸福我会提(and i will bring it up about our proletarian class’s happiness)
会题(the meeting topic)
只会是快乐的倡议(only will be the proposing about happiness)
老人和孩子坐在长椅(olds and childs sit on the bench)
孩提的时光(time of being children)
不会是金钱与暴力(won’t about money and violence)
我们不需要他们来维序(we don’t need them to maintain)
平行时空还是在这吗(will the parallel time be here)
我只希望宗教不需要在这啊(i only wish the religons won’t have to be here)
这里永远是天堂不会有悔意(because heaven is here forever and there won’t be regrets)
追求多巴胺的人们请回席(all these people pursuing dopamine please get back to your seat)
接下来的我们讨论长生不老的会题(now let’s talk about the topic of we are never going to be old again)
verse 2:
19岁的生日(birthday of my 19)
还会栽一次跟头吗(will i fall again)
这一年的时光(time of this year)
我都还在想着自杀(i still thinking about suicide)
新娘的婚纱(wedding dress of bride)
与填补墓地的灰沙(and dust that is filling the graveyard)
我还在妄想吗(am i still undering the delusion)
还是在被过去追杀(or being hunted by the past)
脆弱的玩偶(the fragile doll)
我太了解他了(i know him so well)
还想要成功(still wants to be sucessed)
就宰了他娘和他爸(just k!ll his parents for starter)
从诞生时的悲伤(the sadness following when his birth)
像是止不住的河坝(it’s like can not being stopped by river dike)
我从小时受到的创伤(all these traumas that i had since i was young)
让我成了承载不了的支架(make me a frame that can not carry)
菜市场回望(looking all the way in the market)
全是他的内脏和打把(there will be his internal orgrans and a targets)
挂在上面违反我的意愿(hanging on it, it is againsting my will)
请交给我一元打吧(please give me a yuan to shot)
时光像是来回转圈的大巴(time is like a bus circling around)
只有一发子弹占满水的拖把(with only one bullet and mop filled with water)
请站稳了因为不小心就会脱靶(please stand still because you will miss the target)
打不中就是死亡你还敢打吗(and the cost of missing is death, will you still dare to shot)
割韭菜般的市场(this market is like cutting leeks)
只有失败才是我的下场(only failure will be my end)
人生就是一个赌场(life is like a casino)
输完一切你就会下场(you will have to leave after you lose everything)
开心的时候(when i am happy)
我想着后退(i think about moving backward)
伤心的时候(when i am sad)
我却会向前(i’m moving frontward)
人心的叵测我都不了解自己(human’s heart is unpredictable and i don’t even know myself)
刚学会生活自理却要经济都要自立(start learning to organize my life now i need to be indepent on my finance)
接下来是什么(what will come next)
我只想成为熊猫(i only want to be a panda)
因为赢只有两个选择(because there are two choice of winning)
成功还有覆没(successing or sinking)
我不敢去抉择(i dare not to choose)
只想躲进我的梦境(only want to hide in my dream)
就算发生了什么(even if something happens)
我也早已躺进了墓地(i will be long dead then)
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