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sequoia grove - the dragon and the farmer lyrics


the mighty warrior , battered and alone

long ago, he lived in peace minding his farm

then came the dragon burned everything in its path
his family, burned alive, he wants revenge
hate! in his mind, in his nightmares, fuels his rage

years passed. he sought the greatest masters, to learn to fight
he had strength and will, needed tactics and swordplay
rumors of a dragon in the west. the farmer sought all the tales

his hate , burnеd, never forgot, until his vengеance

thus the farmer turned warrior, the grower l+sted for blood
plough and rake replaced by sword and shield
ready to slay and k!ll

ready as he was, commenced his quest

following the rumors to the west
at nightfall he sought shelter at a farm
much like his own family farm from a distant past
that night he couldn’t sleep, the memories took hold
his rage grew and half asleep he slaughtered his hosts
frightened what he had become, he washed the blood of his sword and face
he used to be a peaceful farmer, minding his land, loving his kin
the dragon was a curse on his soul, redemption from slaying the fiend
he grasped the sword and swore to find the lair and to end the dragons reign

at a tavern, he told his tale
to a stranger who gave him a dagger and a map
it lead to the dragons lair, through a dark forest

and he went on his way
in the forest he faced many terrors
but he prevailed, into the other side

as he approached the dragons lair, he heard the dragon roar!

mounted sword and shield, stealthing in

it smelled like death and sulphur
the shadows fl!ckered in the dark
he felt both terror and bliss
as now his time for revenge had come

and then the dragon was in front him
the dragon smelled him from afar

what are you doing in my lair human?
long ago you swept the country side
you burned my family before me, dont you remember now
i’m here to pay your debt!
foolish human! how you think you can defeat me?

the battle begun
the farmer fought for redemption
but he couldn’t prevail
the dragon teased him

and then the dragon struck!
first the tail impaling the back
and then came the flame
burned the shield away

he realized now that he would lose
before he died he apologized to his kin
he spread his arms, ready to die

…and the dragon looked down upon the coaled smoking body of the farmer
ah, i remember you now. 12 years ago your family met the same end

i’ll stamp you into the earth, where you, a mere farmer, belong

…and thus the dragon lifted his giant clawed foot
and crushed the farmer’s smoldering remains into the ground

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