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shlock rock - we've got a strong desire lyrics


adam, eve, abel, cain
noah’s ark, flood of rain
terach, idols, haran dies
abraham leaves home

sarah, isaac, brit milah
angels visit, akeida
war of kings, salty wife
rescue in sodom

yitzchak, rivkah, twins inside
jacob, birthright, isaac’s blind
stolen blessing, esav cried
angel’s ladder to the sky

rachel’s beauty, yaakov’s hitched
lavan, leah, daughter switched
four wives, twelve tribes
near beit lechem, rachel dies

we’ve got a strong desire
we are always yearning
for the torah’s learning
we’ve got a strong desire
we will stay united
never be divided

colored coat, brothers hate
sold to egypt, head of state
famine, grain, goblet test
brothers reunite

new king, jews are slaves
moshe’s born, princess saves
yitro’s daughters, burning bush
aaron joins the fight

ten plagues, jews free
splitting of the red sea
amalek, torah given
golden calf, jews forgiven

korach, forty years
balak, bilaam, pinchas spears
moshe leaves, jews grieve
joshua’s the new chief


jordan river, jericho
walls fall, shofar blow
devorah, shimshon, shmuel, saul
david, stone, goliath fall

solomon, temple built
civil war, blood spilt
eliyahu, elisha
yishayahu, yirmiyah

purim, esther, mordechai
beit hamikdosh second time
antiochos, bad decrees
judah and the macabees

temple two burnt down
exile all around
shamai, hillel, betar
bar kochva, akiva’s star


mishna, gemara, karai
rav yehuda hanasi
rashi, rabbeinu tam
baalei tosfot, rashbam

rambam, sefer mada
inquisition, torquemada
baal shem tov, kuzari
vilna gaon, shabtai zvi

maharal, libelists
golem, prague, kabbalists
chmelnitzky, shtetl life
haskalah, internal strife


hitler, aushwitz, holocaust
krystalnacht, six million lost
herzl, balfour, promised land, part-tion plan

nurenberg, ben gurion
six day war, moshe dayan
golda meir, wall reclaimed
yom kippur, entebbe raid

olympics, munich, athletes shot
carter, begin and sadat
iron curtain, lebanon
scharansky free, rav moshe gone

jews from ethiopia
glastnost, russian yeshiva
intafada, we won’t bow
we want moshiach now!

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