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the jibster - the opening (skit) lyrics


#sink running#
#washes face#
look at you
always trying to be the good person

[the jibster]
who are you? what do you want?

who you think? you, dummy
you always been an interesting person to me
and i’ll always be there for you to f#ck things up

[the jibster]
why? why you always like doing this to me?
i haven’t done anything to you

listen! you f#ckin’ r#t#rd!
i am here
because you keep trying to deny the inevitable
and keeping up to your old roots
trying to keep the realness and decency alive

[the jibster]
but ain’t that a good thing?
i’m trying to actually give a f#ck
and help people to do the right thing
and stop being idiots
how is that a bad thing?

it’s 2020 you imbecile
it’s alright to be a douche
and f#ck with others emotions
and break people’s hearts
it’s the whole trend of this generation

[the jibster]
but i don’t like that
that’s not who i was
i want people to look at me
so they can see the good side is still there
in this world we live in

just stop! just fit in to this society
and f#ckin’ be bad
we are meant to be part of each other now
stop with the heart
and let yourself levitate to what’s around you

[the jibster]

it’s time to control you!
it’s time to let yourself go!

[the jibster]
f#ck! no please

it’s too late

[the jibster]
nooooo! pleaseeee!
i don’t deserve this!

your being corrupted

[the jibster]
noooooo! help me pleaseeee!

get corrupted!
get corrupted!
get corrupted
get corrupted!

[the jibster]
noooooooo! f#ckkkkkkk!

#falls down#

[the jibster + demon]
i am ready now master
time to f#ck these hoes up

jakob has been corrupted
there’s no saving him

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