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thomas campion - where she her sacred bower adorns lyrics


where shee her sacred bowre adornes
the riuers clearely flow ;
the groues and medowes swell with flowres
the windes all gently blow
her sunne+like beauty shines so fayre
her spring can neuer fade :
who then can blame the life that striues
to harbour in her shade ?

her grace i sought, her loue i wooed ;
her louе though i obtaine
no time, no toyle, no vow, no faith
hеr wished grace can gaine
yet truth can tell my heart is hers
and her will i adore ;
and from that loue when i depart
let heau’n view me no more

her roses with my prayers shall spring ;
and when her trees i praise
their boughs shall blossome, mellow fruit
shall straw her pleasant wayes
the words of harty zeale haue powre
high wonders to effect ;
o why should then her princely eare
my words, or zeale neglect ?
if shee my faith misdeemes, or worth
woe+worth my haplesse fate :
for though time can my truth reueale
that time will come too late
and who can glory in the worth
that cannot yeeld him grace ?
content in eu’rything is not
nor ioy in eu’ry place

but from her bowre of ioy since i
must now excluded be
and shee will not relieue my cares
which none can helpe but shee ;
my comfort in her loue shall dwell
her loue lodge in my brest
and though not in her bowre, yet i
shall in her temple rest

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