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timothy brindle - don’t get on the train (social justice) lyrics


[voddie baucham]
so i’m excited about being able to parter with tim and for wrath and grace, for coming alongside and making this happen. it’s just amazing

my assignment tonight is to set the table by talking about social justice and what that means, so that we can sort of distinguish between social justice and biblical justice. some people would argue that social justice is biblical justice, or another kind of biblical justice. there are two quotes that kind of encapsulate the way i think and feel when it comes to the issue of social justice. one of them is from the economist friedrich hayek. hayek wrote, “i have come to feel strongly that the greatest service i can still render to my fellow men would be that i could make the speakers and writers among them thoroughly ashamed ever again to employ the term social justice.”
that’s interesting, isn’t it? because that term is thrown around today, and almost an exclusively positive way; which brings me to the other quote that is always in my mind when i think about the term social justice. this quote comes from inigo montoya. and in one of my all time favorite lines, inigo montoya says, “you keep on using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.”

think of it this way: there’s a train, and the engine of that train is critical theory, critical social justice, critical race theory, intersectionality + that’s the engine of the train. so we’re standing at the station and the engine comes, and we see all that stuff, but we don’t necessarily know what that stuff is. but the next box car right behind it is “racial justice” + not too sure what that is, right? but we’re all about justice, you know, we don’t want to be about racial injustice. and so we jump on…
and then, as the train leaves the station, the next box car is the radical feminist box car…
and the one right behind that is the lgbtqai+ box car…
and right behind that is the climate justice box car…
and right behind that, right, is the border justice box car…and right behind that…
and they just go on and on and on and on!
and christians, most christians at that point don’t just jump off, right? most christians will think something like, “well, you know + if…maybe if we just talk enough jesus in this boxcar, then we can…” that dog won’t hunt!

why is this important? it’s important because god demands justice. it’s not optional. our god is a god of justice. our god does not just demand justice + our god is the standard of justice. his standard of righteousness is the standard of justice. and injustice is sin: “you shall do no injustice” (lev. 19:15). injustice is sin, injustice is unrighteousness. and so it is very important that we understand what justice is. so if social justice is truly justice, then anything that does not align with it would be sin. if…social justice is justice

there are a number of places in scripture to which we can turn, but the one place that i want us to turn to is in micah + micah 6:8 “he has told you o man what is good and what does the lord require of you but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your god.” that’s what god requires of us! it’s not optional. we must do justice. and we must love mercy. and we must walk humbly with our god

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