xflost - because the internet alt ending lyrics
tires screech outside. dude 2 stands up. there’s a small crash outside
voice: freeze!
the boy and dude 2 look at each other
dude 1 kicks open the door. he starts firing. dude 2 falls. a mist of red puff spurts from his chest. he screams. the boy looks from dude 2 to dude 1 with a [no mouth emoji]. as he meets eyes with dude 1, a single gunshot rings out. dude 1 falls. his blood is on the boy’s shirt. fam stands at the doorway, .45 still raised
fam: who the f-ck did i just shoot!
the boy gets to his feet
the boy: i thought you couldn’t do this one
fam: yeah, well you got lucky i guess
the boy gives him a look like “there is no such thing as luck.”
the boy: there’ll be cops here in a minute
fam: wha?
the boy turns fam around and pushes him towards the door. they leave
ext. outside mansion – early evening
fam is making a run for his ride. the boy isn’t moving. he sees a marked van. an undercover police van. the side of it reads “roscoe’s wetsuit.” the boy smh. he’s sick of this sh-t
the boy goes to his infinity pool. what follows are cuts between the boy staring at the water with [no mouth emoji] and his various thoughts. there are cuts to young him taking sink baths with his cousin. young him and a girl at camp. three girls laughing at him on a bus home from camp. him and fam talking beside a bonfire, s’mores stuff around them. him talking to sasha in a wetsuit. him washing dishes next to naomi. the drowning [visual]
play life: the biggest troll
the boy stares at the pool. fade black
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