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ynkeumalice - hard knock life lyrics


sweetest love story ever told
with scandals of hollywood
around the name
saying you don’t know
the fame
the game done changed you
the fame done changed you
you ain’t yourself no more
how could you change

it ain’t easy

saying it’s not easy they don’t appreciate
till your dead and gone hate who i am
i’m the truth your just extreme hate me
for my ancestors they brought the future
the future is born thousands wishes on
birthday cake came from warrior and soldiеrs
mighty tribes that ain’t no more
i’m the onе who is the god
i have the power
power in me they want l+st for gold minds
because they ain’t to successful
hate that i’m american hate that i’m who i am
because i am who i am
home of the brave home of the free
slayings everyday hate has no home
there’s no home when home is broken
protest and rioters rioters ain’t protesters
but i know what i know it’s stupid of unnecessary
violence hate me cause my roots offend you
hate me cause i shed blood of thousand strong
hate me cause the blood i had flowing through
my vains ice cold vains without the sleeves
saying money dreams champagne dreams
live luxury
from broke home
from struggles of the bottom
hate me now i’m to traumatized
by the world hate me cause i’m golden
hate cause i’m chosen

[the scene opens in a dimly lit room, where ynk stands at a pulpit, addressing the audience.]

++ynk++: my brothers and sisters, i stand before you today not as a preacher, but as a messenger of truth. in this world of chaos and confusion, where the lines between right and wrong blur, it’s easy to lose sight of who we truly are

[the audience listens intently, some nodding in agreement.]

++ynk++: we’re bombarded with images of perfection, told how to look, how to act, how to be. but let me tell you, true beauty lies not in conformity, but in individuality

[some members of the audience murmur in agreement.]

++ynk++: we are each unique, each with our own story to tell, our own battles to fight. and though the road may be long and treacherous, we must stay true to ourselves, for that is where our strength lies

[the audience nods in understanding, some wiping away tears.]

++ynk++: let us not judge others based on appearances or assumptions, but rather, let us seek to understand, to empathize, to uplift one another

[there’s a collective sense of unity in the room, as the audience nods in agreement.]

++ynk++: so, my brothers and sisters, i urge you to embrace your flaws, your quirks, your imperfections. for it is in our vulnerability that we find our true strength, our true beauty

[the audience erupts into applause, some rising to their feet in admiration.]

++ynk++: and remember, my friends, we are not alone on this journey. together, we can overcome any obstacle, conquer any fear. for in unity, there is strength
[as ynk finishes his speech, the audience cheers and applauds, inspired by his words of wisdom.]

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