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gay men productions – jail time lyrics


[yap: dj super]
you know
god to the mother f+cking d+mn
that one time, i had a dodge ram
you know
life in jail can be pretty g+y
for some reason, this guy keeps dropping the soap in front of me
not sure why but it’s kinda weird
i+ i don’t know why he keeps doing it man, kinda weird
you know
being the only straight man in this jail its pretty hard to survive, you know
there+ there is just so many, i’m+ i’m just surrounded by so many g+ys
i know i’m pretty used to it n+ by now, you know what i mean
being in this group, or whatever
but, man it’s rough
i’m gonna be in here for a little while
because, supposedly i+ uh
they+ they say i did this, but i+ i promisе you i didn’t
supposedly i, something happenеd with j+panese and
you know, ended up in here
man, i never did that though i+ i promise, i promise, i never did that
but anyways, i hope i get out of jail pretty soon
i heard something happened to snoop g+yy
i hope he’s alright up there man
you know, banna supposedly shot him in the head
not sure why though, i bet it’s over some g+y s+
you know, g+y stuff uh, i have no idea
i just hope+ i just hope snoop g+yy’s okay man
i+ i hope their alright after they stole that g+y guys mini cooper
i think they got away, i have no idea
banna’s g+y, yeah
banna’s g+y
banna’s g+y
and that’s all i gotta say
except for one thing man, uh like
seriously i+ you got to help me get outta jail man
i’m not gonna lie you can’t leave me in jail banna, that’s+
you really got to help me out man
like, you gotta help me get outta here
i can’t+ i can’t stay in here for much longer sonny
godd+mnit, it’s not even funny sonny
like seriously, i gotta get out of here man
i gotta go+ like seriously
i gotta go play+ uh call of duty mobile

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